"Okolab is a provider of complete and reliable solutions for Live Cell Microscopy"

Commercial Support and General Info
Okolab S.r.l.
FACTORY NAPOLI: Via A. Olivetti, 1 - 80078 Pozzuoli, NA, Italy
FACTORY ROVERETO: Via delle Zigherane - Edificio B08.01, 38068 Rovereto, TN, Italy
- Luca Lanzaro Ph.D
- Phone: +39 081 8062624
- E-mail: info[at]oko-lab[dot]com
Okolab USA Inc.
417 Thorn St., Suite 309, Sewickley - PA 15143, USA
- Lara Petrak
Mobile: +1 (650) 410 0756
Okolab Shanghai Co., Ltd.
Room 2604, Jiande Apartment, No. 9 Jiande Road, Huangpu District, Shanghai 200025, China
- Pony Tong
Mobile: +86 18500508458
- E-mail: tong[at]oko-lab[dot]cn
Technical Support
Technical Support
- Carmen Riccio
Mobile: +39 3286113451
- Federica Massa
Mobile: + 39 3474002201
- E-mail: support[at]oko-lab[dot]com